





Maintenance Steps for Small Jacquard: Controller LCD Screen Related Issues

Source:   Date:2022/5/7 9:28:00

Controller LCD screen related issues in small jacquard repair steps:

      1. When the controller LCD screen is on and off:

      a, check if the driver board is abnormal

    b, if the LCD is abnormal

    c, if the controller is abnormal

    d, Is the power supply abnormal?

      2. The controller LCD screen is not lit:

      a, check the circuit for wear

    b, remove the power output line, unplug the two green terminals on the communication board, Connect the power cord between the power supply and the controller first (if the LCD is not lit, it indicates a short circuit in the controller), and then connect the power cord between the power supply and the machine head (if the LCD is not lit, it indicates a short circuit in the communication board). Connect the green terminal of the communication board sensor (if the LCD is not lit, it indicates a short circuit in the sensor)

    c, check the LCD, power supply Is the control board abnormal?

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Maintenance Steps for Small Jacquard: Controller LCD Screen Related Issues